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Telani Lithgow
Jan 157 min read
Burns and how to minimize the damage.
An aircraft catching fire is a risk pilots have to consider. Firstly, as a pilot, one should: prevent fires from occurring if they...
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Telani Lithgow
Feb 25, 20222 min read
3 Tricks to make Radio easier for VFR Pilots
As long as you understand the basic structure of pilot radio jargon, you won't struggle for long. Here's the secret:
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Telani Lithgow
Dec 7, 20212 min read
Recency - CARs 91
Recency in South African Airlaw - CARs Part 91 (Civil Aviation Regulations)
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Telani Lithgow
May 4, 20212 min read
How to pop an airplane's tire.
I was doing a short field landing in someone else's C182. I landed short, dumped the flaps and hit the brakes hard. Stopped in under a hun
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Telani Lithgow
Feb 24, 20217 min read
Avoid this fatal Piloting mistake in the circuit.
There is ONE fatal mistake that pilots make, again and again. I sincerely hope that reading this article will ensure you are NEVER ONE OF T
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Telani Lithgow
Feb 10, 20214 min read
VFR lost procedures.
Airfields have a way of melting into the surrounding terrain and can be pretty hard to spot. This can happen at any level of experience -
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Telani Lithgow
Dec 4, 20203 min read
178 Seconds To Live
Here is the fatal scenario: The sky is overcast and the visibility poor. The reported 8-mile visibility looks more like 3 and you can’t judg
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Kevin Donnellan
Nov 7, 20202 min read
Are you the pilot?
The French were bringing the capital ship of their Indian Ocean fleet to Durban. It was large, impressive - and it had helicopters.
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Kevin Donnellan
Oct 31, 20205 min read
Overcoming Learned Helplessness
Whining starts as an infection but, uncontested, it ends as a disease. We need to dispute negative talk both in ourselves and, for our...
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Telani Lithgow
Aug 25, 20202 min read
Are you an ASSERTIVE pilot?
The thing is that when the ATC messes up, the pilot dies, and when the pilot messes up, the pilot dies. So the pilot must be assertive when
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Telani Lithgow
Aug 16, 20203 min read
Just keep on flying
In spite of enormous odds, they did not stop flying until they were stationary, and safely, on the ground.
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Telani Lithgow
Aug 15, 20204 min read
Flight Training Accidents - low level flight gone wrong
It was 27 August 2015 when one of the worst nightmare to befall a pilot became reality for two young men who crashed a Cessna 172, ZS-NTR ..
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