Are you a PPL working towards your IFR CPL?
Would you like a FREE CALCULATOR to help you work out the exact hours you need of each type to be ready for your CPL skills test with the exact right 200 hours proudly presented in your logbook?
If so, you have found the right place!
The calculator below is for the requirements of a South African IFR CPL. If you are not South African, but want a calculator for your country's specific requirements, then lets sort one out for you:
Enter your hours in the calculator , and you will be shown exactly how many
X/C (Cross Country),
Night and
Complex (aircraft with Variable Pitch and Retractable Undercarriage),
hours you need to finish with the magic number 200.
TIP1 : You don't have to click the + sign to enter your number. You can highlight it with your mouse and use the keypad.
TIP 2: The calculator scrolls.
Bookmark this page to re-visit it as you build your hours to stay on top of your planning.
NOTES re the IFR CPL requirements:
You must have a Night Rating to get your CPL.
You must do at least 1 X NIGHT CROSS COUNTRY for your Night Rating. Your DUAL cross country counts for this. This Cross Country flight must be at least 3 legs, with a minimum distance of 50 nm per leg.
Your X/C (Cross Country flights) must include ONE FLIGHT not less than 300nm with full stop landings at 2 or more aerodromes away from your base.
You must fly a minimum of 10 hours in the same category aircraft for which your Instrument Rating is sought (ie in a Complex or Turbine aircraft).
When I did my hours for CPL, no one told me to HAVE FUN with the PIC hours when I was hour-building! You have to pay for these hours anyway, so why not have some adventures? Yes it's a bit scary to venture off the beaten track, but you will find it is more fun than anything else. Join something like the KZN Passport Program if you don't know where to go. You can even win some awesome prizes for flying you have to do anyway.
No one told me that the most difficult hours to get for your ATPL are your 100 night PIC hours. Consider doing as many of your PIC hours at night, and if you do them as XC hours too, you "kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. No harm in being efficient. Just always be careful, and choose your night flights when you know you will not be caught in clouds or mists.
Not doing an IFR CPL ? Click here for the VFR CPL Calculator.